Ergodic Theory and Additive Combinatorics
Master Lecture: Department of Mathematics, SNSB (Scoala
Normala Superioara Bucuresti), Summer Semester 2013
Lecturer: Laurentiu Leustean
Lecture Notes
(version 05.07.2013)
Lectures :
Lecture 1: a general presentation of the course.
Lecture 2: Topological Dynamical Systems:
definitions, examples.
Lecture 3: Basic constructions continued: homomorphisms, (strongly) invariant
sets, subsystems, direct products, disjoint unions. Transitivity.
Lecture 4: Minimality. Recurrence.
Lecture 5: Application to a result of Hilbert,
presumably the first result of Ramsey Theory.
Lecture 6: Multiple Recurrence Theorem.
Lecture 7: Ramsey Theory: van der Waerden Theorem.
Lecture 8: Ultrafilter approach to Ramsey Theory.
Lecture 9: Ergodic Theory: measure-preserving systems, induced operator.
Lecture 10: Bernoulli shift. Recurrence.
Lecture 11: Ergodicity. Maximal ergodic theorems. Birkhoff ergodic theorem
Seminar Sheets: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
Solutions: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
Useful links:
- Hillel Furstenberg, Recurrence in Ergodic Theory and Combinatorial Number
Theory, Princeton University Press, 1981
- Ronald L. Graham, Bruce L. Rotschild, Joel H. Spencer, Ramsey Theory,
John-Wiley & Sons, 1980.
- Randall McCutcheon, Elemental Methods in Ergodic Ramsey Theory, Springer,
- Douglas A. Lind, Brian Marcus, An introduction to symbolic dynamics and
coding, Cambridge University Press, 1995
- Neil Hindmann, Donna Strauss, Algebra in the Stone-Čech
compactification: theory and applications, Walter de Gruyter, 1998
- Peter Walters, An Introduction to Ergodic Theory, Springer, 2000
- Paul Halmos, Lectures on Ergodic Theory, Chelsea, 1956
- Ulrich Krengel, Ergodic Theorems, van Nostrand, 1975
Lecture notes, surveys, essays:
- Terence Tao, Ergodic Theory, in: Poincare's Legacies, Part I: pages from
year two of a mathematical blog, AMS, 2009; a draft version can be
downloaded here
- Ben Green, Ergodic
Theory, lecture notes for a 2008 course at Cambridge University
- surveys by Vitaly
Bergelson, Bryna
- Terence Tao, Soft
analysis, hard analysis, and the finite convergence principle
- Terence Tao, The
correspondence principle and finitary ergodic theory
- Hillel Furstenberg, Ergodic behavior of diagonal measures and a theorem of Szemeredi on arithmetic progressions, Journal d'Analyse Mathematique 31
(1977), 204-256
- Hillel Furstenberg, Benjamin Weiss, Topological dynamics and
combinatorial number theory, Journal d'Analyse Mathematique 34 (1978),
- Vitaly Bergelson, Alexander Leibman, Polynomial
extensions of van der Waerden's and Szemeredi's theorems , J. Amer.
Math. Soc. 9 (1996), 725-753
- Saharon Shelah, Primitive
recursive bounds for van der Waerden numbers, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 1
(1988), 683–697
- William T. Gowers, A new proof of Szemeredi's theorem, GAFA 11 (2001), 465-588.
- Neil Hindman, Finite sums from sequences within cells of a partition of
N, J. Combinatorial Theory (Series A) 17 (1974), 1-11
- Alfred Hales, Robert Jewett, Regularity
and positional games, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 106 (1963),